Our next action is to go to Brussels, to the European Parliament September 25 2024, to manifest and demand political action to respect the Paris Agreement and the threshold goal 1,5°C . We will also hand over scarves to newly installed MEP:s as a prompt that they are accountable for their decisions as representatives of and for the people.We say to MEP's:
"remember the planet is heating you can do something about it! Vote carefully!".
If you are not able to join us there, you can write to your country MEPs or knit, crochet or create a scarf with the measurements 15 cm width and 1,5 m length in red tones. Send it or hand it in to your local knitting coordinator. Know more how to do it in the link below:
Are you an introvert but willing to discuss knitting? Are you deeply concerned about the lack of strong policies that help us citizens to make a green transition? Do you feel that you lack confidence in the green transition that is being displayed and don't want to be part of a new wave of green colonialism? Are you upset about the subsidies to fossil fuels?
Well, you are not alone. We are a movement of people who wonders where the brave politicians are that actually dare to tell the truth about the climate crisis. You might ask yourself; how can I effect my community and the policymakers in EU to think of future generations? As well as the youngsters and children living now? By knitting a red 1,5 m scarf long you can make your voice heard and be connected.
In Portugal, thousands have already knitted Red Lines and stopped fossil fuel extraction. Norway and Sweden have also knitted their lines within the grassroots movement Mothers*Rebellion and encircled their parliaments on respective Overshoot Day, now we join forces with more countries in Europe to push our demands to the EU-parliament since our governments don't answer the call to action.
Contact Our Knitters!
Knit a red scarf and put on a local statue. Add a small tag with a QR-code and hang or wrap your knitted line around the statue.
This is something you can organise when the big red line is done.
You can also participate by writing to your national MEP, member of European parliament, we have a prepaired e-mail for you as a template and you can add your contact in the end.
Addresses to MEP:s can be found at europarl.europa.eu.